My kids inspired me to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. They kept sharing  videos of people participating in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Their interest and respect for how people were contributing to a good cause led me to ask myself, “How am I demonstrating support for worthy causes, other than saying it’s good to do?” It was time for me to get off of the sidelines and act on my beliefs.

I’ve challenged a few friends to get involved. Great people: The Deadwood Writers, a great group of writers, and some AMAzing educators: Dayna Laur, Eric White, and Andrew Miller 🙂

I’ve been entertained by many videos of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. My favorite is Patrick Stewart. Captain Picard has class and humor.

President George Bush taking part and then challenging President Bill Clinton symbolize a cross-the-isle relationship that seems a lost art at the moment.

Giving the gift of time and taking action to help others feels energizing. I wish the same for you on giving time to what you believe in.

I will give one hour of online coaching support on an education topic to the 1st three educators who share a link of a video recording about their commitment to give extra time to assist students or a colleague.

Consider accepting the invitation to donate time to a community cause or give support at a school. Share your commitment of time in the comments below or on my Twitter @jmccarthyeds.

Give the gift of time…