As we launch ourselves into a new year, which is really the middle of the current school year, here are some resources that helps to grow a PLN. The work of teaching is on-going, and a big part of it is deepening our own learning. Here are some places that can open doors to a professional learning journey…
=> Education Chats List
This is an exceptional list of the live Education chats on Twitter. You’ll find great groups to follow and attend. For example, #DI4ALL discusses topics on Differentiated Instruction. Meets 1st & 3rd Monday at 8 p.m. EST. Check their website for topic information.
Education Blogs to Put on your Reading List
Besides mine at Opening Paths 😉 here are “some” site to check in for ideas that make you go “Hmmmm” in a thought provoking way.
- 21st Century Educational Technology and Learning
- TeachThought
- Edutopia
- Granted, and…
- Dayna Laur
- Education Differentiated4u
- ASCD Express
What other Education Bloggers do you recommend for reading? Please share in the comments below.