I was asked recently for some recommendations for books and articles to read about Project Based Learning. Sharing the list, I thought it would be beneficial to share the same list to everyone. This is not an exhaustive list. The intent is to provide one to give a range of access from those just starting out to others who want to deepen their understanding of PBL. If you have recommendations to add, please tweet them to me @JMcCarthyEdS or post in the comments below. Also, find many more PBL and ALE resources on this site as well.

Bonus resource for PBL Management: Extending the Silence

Resources on my website: https://openingpaths.org/blog/pbl-guide/
Below is a sneak peak of just some of what you’ll find:

 Also, for deep support of Differentiation, check out the book and companion site for So All Can Learn: A Practical Guide to Differentiation.