
40+ ePortfolio Resources

e-Portfolios empower students to be reflective about their learning. Sifting through their work, they find artifacts that best represents their deep understanding academically, personally, and professionally. There are different uses for e-Portfolios:

  1. Demonstrate learning targets from a unit.
  2. Reflectively monitor their academic growth in a course or regarding skill-sets.
  3. Archive quality experiences and work products to showcase themselves for entrance into a post-secondary school or job.

In each case, student involvement in what is included becomes imperative. Empowering students to be reflective about what they select to include, and to make changes to what’s added, builds for them confidence in themselves, and strengthens retention of learning.

In this age of cloud computing and social media, e-portfolios are more powerful in it’s ability to be shared for constructive feedback, learning assessment, and professional review. Provide are resources to support and guide you toward establishing powerful student voice through their e-portfolios. Please share via comments or @jmccarthyeds on Twitter other e-Portfolio resources that could be added to this bounty.

e-Portfolio References & Resources

The first steps for developing a system is to develop the vision and purpose. Why does the e-Portfolio exist? How will is serve students? What role will students and teachers have in developing and using the e-Portfolio? Here is an initial planning form: docx/pdf. These references can help you craft the initial design.


When designing an e-Portfolio it’s helpful to explore how others have done it. Why reinvent the wheel if others have created a map of their own navigation? With that said, it’s also important to know what others have done so that you can test new waters for your own innovations for students using e-Portfolios.


Once you have the vision, purpose, and guidance by others for what your e-Portfolio will do, it’s time to decide on the platform. You may use a combination of several tools as listed below. Also review some of the resources in the other sections as several authors share their approaches. These are many possibilities depending on how public or private you want the e-Portfolios to be.

Examples of Student Portfolios

Assessment Strategies & Exploration

Here lies the key to a successful portfolio. Assessments should be multifaceted and done by the students and the teachers. Reflections, journaling, and dialog help to clarify meaning and purpose behind the artifacts that are included in the portfolio. Guidelines, checklists, and rubrics help structure the reflective process of the portfolio being used to collect assessments and to be assessed.

Example Assessment Tools